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What moves us ...

APAN - São Paulo Nutrition Association
Founded on 02/02/1954, initially with the name Association of Nutritionists of the University of São Paulo (ANUSP), on 05/03/1974 changing to Associação Paulista de Nutricionistas (APAN) and on 09/21/82 to ASSOCIAÇÃO PAULISTA DE NUTRITION.
We are an official non-profit association of nutritionists, which brings together nutritionists, undergraduate students in nutrition and nutrition technicians.


Stimulate the development and union of professionals and academics, aiming to meet their expectations and needs, in an ethical and sustainable way, contributing to the growth of the science of Nutrition and Food.

APAN will be a reference as a scientific entity, standing out for the quality of products and services provided to the category and the community.

. Credibility in scientific actions;
. Ethics in the correct conduct regarding the category's code of ethics, association's statute and personnel;
. Commitment: dedication to association and love for the profession;
. Responsibility in carrying out activities;
. Respect for internal and external values;

Science-based innovation.

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