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Our story

In the world scenario, the emergence of the field of Nutrition, whether as science, social policy and / or profession, is a relatively recent phenomenon, characteristic of the beginning of the 20th century (Coimbra et al., 1982; L'Abbate, 1988; Vasconcelos, 2002). According to Vasconcelos (2002), the first course for training nutritionists was created, in 1939, at the Hygiene Institute of São Paulo, current Nutrition Undergraduate Course at the Department of Nutrition at the Faculty of Public Health of the University of São Paulo. In 1940, technical courses began at the Central Food Service of the Institute of Retirements and Pensions of Industrialists (IAPI), which gave rise, in 1943, to the Nutritionists Course of the Social Security Food Service (SAPS), current Course of Graduation in Nutrition from the University of Rio de Janeiro - UNI-RIO. In 1944, the Nutritionists Course was created at the Technical School of Social Assistance Cecy Dodsworth, current Nutrition Undergraduate Course at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ. And from 1948 onwards, the Dietitians Course at the University of Brazil began, currently the Undergraduate Course in Nutrition at the Institute of Nutrition at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (Costa, 1953; Maurício, 1964; Associação Brasileira de Nutrição, 1991 ). On August 31, 1949, the first Brazilian entity of the class was founded, the Brazilian Association of Nutritionists (ABN), which was intended to represent and defend the interests of nutritionists / dieticians, as well as to develop studies and research in the field of Nutrition . As a result, from then on, the date 31 August started to be celebrated as the "day of the nutritionist". ABN was the result of the work of Firmina Sant'Anua, its first president and pioneer in heading a food service; organized the Nutrition Service of the Hospital do Servidor Público do Rio de Janeiro, described as a warrior, brave and fighter woman, who opened the way in all areas of Nutrition. History claims that she was also responsible for the design of the profession's emblem, which appears on a wheat branch, scale, snake, in green and white colors (Federal Council of Nutritionists, 1999; Vasconcelos, 1999, Vasconcelos, 2002). Subsequently, the Brazilian Association of Nutritionists was replaced by the Brazilian Nutrition Federation (FEBRAN), which on June 8, 1990 changed to the Brazilian Nutrition Association (ASBRAN).

The History of the São Paulo Nutrition Association (APAN)

ASBRAN is a non-profit society that brings together professionals in the field of nutrition. Technical-scientific - cultural and social, nationwide, ASBRAN is made up of an unlimited number of members affiliated with Nutrition Associations in the states, legally qualified (Brazilian Nutrition Association, 2009). Among these Nutrition Associations representing the Brazilian states, the oldest one is in the State of São Paulo. In 1954, the Association of Nutritionists of the University of São Paulo (ANUSP) was created, changing in 1974 to Associação Paulista de Nutricionistas and, on 9/21/82, to ASSOCIAÇÃO PAULISTA DE NUTRIÇÃO (APAN), with inclusion of all associates in the field of food who are not necessarily nutritionists or graduating in Nutrition (Associação Paulista de Nutrição, 2009).

APAN, mobilized with other associations, was responsible for great achievements such as:

. Creation of the Federal and Regional Councils;
. Recognition of the Nutrition Course;
. Regulation of the profession.
. Milestones and Achievements:
. Held in partnership with other nutrition entities, the 8th International Congress of Dietetics in São Paulo;
. Brazilian Nutrition Congresses, among other activities in partnership with ASBRAN;
. Acquisition of own headquarters;
. Since 2003, the São Paulo Nutrition Congresses;
. Events in partnership with Informal Nutrition Study Groups in the State of São Paulo.

Taking into account the historical importance of APAN for professionals in the area of ​​food, this text will address a survey of the managements that directed it and the main events that contributed to the history of Nutrition in Brazil.

1. Foundation of the Association of Nutritionists of the University of São Paulo (ANUSP)
The need for an association that, mainly fought for the defense of the class, cared for Professional Ethics and promoted the technical-scientific improvement of the nutritionist, was felt by a group of professionals led by Maria Lúcia Ferrari Cavalcanti who started the elaboration of the statutes of the future Association . Therefore, on February 4, 1954, in a Solemn Session held at the Amphitheater of the School of Hygiene and Public Health at USP, the USP Nutritionists Association (ANUSP) was founded with headquarters and venue in the capital of the State of São Paulo, functioning with provisional headquarters at USP's School of Hygiene and Public Health.

Founding Board - 1954 to 1956
The founding Board ended its mandate in December 1956, having started the work for the creation of the Nutritionist's career, with the elaboration of memorials exposing the demands of the class, which would be handed over to the State authorities and having its President submitted a request to the Board of the Faculty of Public Health, extension of the Nutritionists Course from 1 to 2 years.

2nd Board of ANUSP - 1957
At the first Board meeting it was decided that the main objective of ANUSP would be to work for the officialization of the career of Nutritionist, since it became necessary to distinguish between the titles of Nutritionist and Dietician. The work for this purpose began with the delivery of a memorial on the issue, to the then governor of the State, Mr. Jânio Quadros. After several debates on the duration of the Nutritionists course at the Faculty of Hygiene and Public Health of the University of São Paulo (FHSPUSP) by ANUSP, it is concluded that to obtain the university level, the course should last from 3 to 4 years old.

3rd Board of ANUSP - 1958 and 4th Board of ANUSP - 1959
Preparations for the II Brazilian Congress of Nutritionists began, which brought together ANUSP and ADESP (Association of Dietitians of the State of São Paulo). Clarifications provided to members, by the President, of Bill No. 1939/56 that was being processed in the Federal Senate, which, if approved, would give the nutritionist and not the nutritionist the head of the Nutrition Services. ANUSP sent correspondence to Dr. Odair Pacheco Pedrosa, Professor of Hospital Administration at the Faculty of Hygiene and Public Health, explaining the reasons against the Project and requesting measures.

5th ANUSP Board - 1960
At the beginning of her new administration, the President asked for collaboration in order for all Nutritionists to regularly contribute with annual fees, as only with solid economic bases could ANUSP make progress. II Brazilian Congress of Nutritionists (July / 60).

6th ANUSP Board - 1961/1962
In 1961, during the III National Congress of Hospitals, a motion was sent by the President in favor of the Nutritionists class, recommended to the Federal Government, Chamber and Senate that the discussion and approval of Bill no. 904 of 1959, which regulated the teaching of Nutrition and Dietetics in the country and the exercise of the profession of Nutritionist.

7th Board of ANUSP - 1963/1964
With the change of Government, a new memorial was sent with the same demands, but with an asset that was the recognition of the Nutritionist professional as university level by the Federal Government (Federal Decree nº 55004 of 11/13/64, published in DOU of 11/16/64, which includes the nutritionist in the list of university-level professionals from Federal Decree nº 54015 of 7/13/64).

8th Board of ANUSP - 1964/1965
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of 02/18/1965, the President announced that the Nutritionists Course was regulated by MEC Resolution No. 514 of 07/29/64, which sets the minimum curriculum and duration of the courses. He also informed that the lack of material and human resources determined the closure of the Nutritionists course at FHSPUSP and that it would be reorganized and with a plan for the future to last 3 (three) years. I Meeting of Nutritionists (8/31 to 9/3/1965).

9th ANUSP Board - 1966/1968
Approval of a study to change the name of ANUSP to the Association of Nutritionists of São Paulo (which did not materialize). ANUSP, represented by the President and 1st Secretary, at the call of the then Federal Deputy Hamilton Prado, went to Brasília to prevent the Bill of Law that regulates the profession, with the opposite opinion of the President of the Republic (Castelo Branco), from being voted by Legislative Assembly. ANUSP representatives talked to most of the deputies present and the bill was no longer voted on. At an extraordinary General Assembly held on 07/07/67, the President clarified the problem of the registration of diplomas in the Ministry of Education, since the profession of Nutritionist was finally regulated by Law No. 5,276 of April 1967. Realization of the III Meeting of Nutritionists (1967).

10th ANUSP Board - 1968/1970
At a Board meeting on 10/05/68, the President announced the approval of Law No. 10,168 of 7/10/68, which passes the Nutritionist to university level in the State. At a Board meeting on 10/05/68, the President informed that the recognition of the USP Nutrition Course as a university level had been published in the Official Gazette of the State, as a result of an application by ANUSP to the Dean of USP (Ordinance nº 579 of the Rectory of USP) Realization of the IV Meeting of Nutritionists (1968). Realization of the V Meeting of Nutritionists - 30th Anniversary of the Creation of the Nutritionists Course at USP (1969).

11th ANUSP Board - 1970/1972
Creation of study commissions on the food situation of the population of the State of São Paulo, which came to integrate the efforts of nutritionists with the government to alleviate the nutritional problem. Scientific Meetings and the IV Meeting of Nutritionists (1968). In the financial field, provision was made to obtain financial reserves for the acquisition of its own headquarters for ANUSP.

12th Board of ANUSP - 1972/1974
On 07/12/1972 an Extraordinary General Assembly was held, with the purpose of changing the name of the Association, since male nutritionists did not fit the current name. During the Assembly, the following names were suggested: Association of Nutritionists of the State of São Paulo, Association of Nutritionists of São Paulo, Association of Nutritionists of São Paulo, Association of Nutrition of São Paulo. After voting, the name of Associação Paulista de Nutricionistas was approved.

2-Foundation of the São Paulo Association of Nutritionists (APAN)
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of 05/03/1974, the São Paulo Association of Nutritionists (APAN) was founded. During this Assembly, the President held an extraordinary session, in which the problems related to the acquisition of its own headquarters were discussed. Various spontaneous suggestions from individuals or entities were made to make it possible to acquire the headquarters. The term of office of the Executive Board is now three years, with the right to reelection for another term. The membership began to consist of contributing members, founding members, honorary members.

1st APAN Board - 1975/1978 and 2nd APAN Board - 1978/1981
In these administrations, the greatest effort of the Board turned to the acquisition of its own Headquarters, which was accomplished, even in this period, with festivities of inauguration and delivery of titles to the companies that, with their donations, collaborated for this and for the planning and execution of the 8th International Congress of Dietetics, which was held in São Paulo in 1980. APAN collaborates with CRN - Regional Council of Nutritionists for its installation in São Paulo and with the publication of inscriptions for the Council in the Official Gazette. In 1981, the Ministry of Agriculture invited the President of APAN to a meeting aiming to discuss the standard milk to replace special type milk, and to know the opinion about 2% fat milk on the market and also about the reconstitution of milk leading to taking into account the concern about the lack of fat that would result in the import of the product.

3rd Board of the São Paulo Association of Nutritionists and 1st of the São Paulo Association of Nutrition - 1981/1984
The Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 9/21/82 to discuss and approve the corporate name of ASSOCIAÇÃO PAULISTA DE NUTRICIONISTAS for ASSOCIAÇÃO PAULISTA DE NUTRIÇÃO and the articles of the Statutes related to this subject. The Assembly approved the change with the inclusion in the membership of related members, a framework made up of professionals, non-nutritionists, of university level whose work is related to Nutrition, thus the membership began to be composed of: honorary members, members effective members, aspiring and related partners. The minutes of this founding Assembly and the Statutes of the Associação Paulista de Nutrição were registered on 12/17/82 (only from this date on, the Association started to use its new corporate name).

2nd BOARD - APAN - 1984/1987
On November 23-25, 1984, the first Update Course for Nutritionists from the Municipality of São Paulo was held, which was attended by the President of APAN who put on the work goals set by the Board in force. The Nutrition Program Coordinators were asked, through an official letter, to schedule their students' curricular internships so that with this material APAN could plan and organize the first Regional Internship Commission. The State Meeting of Entities of Nutritionists held by APAN, CRN-3 and APNESP - Meetings that preceded the I ENAEN in 1986, National Meeting of Entities of Nutritionists, held in Brasília.

3rd BOARD - APAN - 1987/1990
The President of APAN represented Brazil as a Delegate at the International Congress of Dietetic in Paris on 07/03/1988. Effective participation in the II National Meeting and Entities of Nutritionists in Rio de Janeiro. APAN was appointed by FEBRAN to hold the 1st Latin American Symposium on Food for Communities (SLAC).

4th BOARD - APAN - 1990/1993
Marked by the controversial presidency of Fernando Collor de Mello, APAN went through serious financial difficulties, which made the I SLAC unfeasible. There were several proposals to raise money, among them, the donation of resources by some important companies of international scope.

APAN had several important participations in an event related to the food area, such as the meeting on a Quality Control Commission for Frozen Products for the introduction of the "Quality Seal".

APAN participated in the inauguration of the Bromatology Laboratory of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, the Meeting of the Director Coordination of the Incentive Program for Breastfeeding and the launch of the "History of Nutritionists in Brazil - 1939 to 1989."

Launch of the Nutrition Newsletter (IN), aimed at professionals, containing subjects related to the area.

APAN and USP enter into an agreement to carry out University extension courses.

In 1993, the President requested ASBRAN by letter / APAN / March 93, to extend the mandate for twelve months (until 03/31/94). ASBRAN replies that it authorizes the extension for three years (until March 1996).

In June 1994, APAN sent official letter 39 to ASBRAN informing APAN's precarious situation and proposing new elections. Letter from ASBRAN to APAN of November 1994 in response to letter / APAN / nº39, informing that any decision of APAN must be taken based on the statute.

In the 1st quarter of 1995, there was a mobilization of nutrition professionals and Class entities, with the participation of the Brazilian Nutrition Association - ASBRAN, Regional Council of Nutritionists - CRN3 and Union of Nutritionists of São Paulo - SINESP to rebuild the APAN that was about to be extinguished due to financial problems. Thus, in a meeting held on 3/8/95, at the headquarters of CRN3, the "TRANSITIONAL COMMISSION" was valid for 6 months, extendable for another 6 months.

"TRANSITIONAL COMMISSION - CT" (invested on 03/15/95)

Objectives of the Transitional Commission - CT

Regularize APAN's GRAVITEST financial, functional and equity situation, assuming, on a temporary basis, the duties of the executive board provided for in its bylaws, in order to allow the resumption of the performance of its technical-scientific and social attributions aimed at meeting the greatest interests of the professionals connected to the field of nutrition science. Otherwise, the Association's extinction was at risk.

Measures adopted:

. Sending a letter to nutrition professionals and food companies explaining the entity's critical situation and requesting donations.
. Reduction of the number of members of the next board from 20 to 15 members, streamlining the entity's administration.

In September 1995, CT carried out the first rendering of accounts in an extraordinary General Meeting for the partners, showing part of the settlement of the debts of the entity and requesting an extension of another 6 months in order to remedy the remaining debts.

At the end of the 2nd term, in 1996, CT carried out a new rendering of accounts in an extraordinary General Meeting for the partners and presenting the final report, with most of the debts paid and others forwarded. Being in charge of this, the organization of the electoral process for the 1996/1999 triennium. Thus ending the work of the CT, which according to the President, APAN after great efforts "is reborn from the ashes".

5th BOARD - APAN - 1996/1999
With the payment of debts, this board provided improvements to the APAN headquarters, with renovation, for the construction of a kitchen and a classroom for 20 people, allowing theoretical / practical lectures to be held at the APAN headquarters. Members of APAN's board of directors collaborated in the creation of PORTARIA CVS Nº 6/99 of 03/10/99, DOE SP 03/12/99 - which establishes "Technical Regulation on the Parameters and Criteria for Hygienic-Sanitary Control in Establishments of food".

6th BOARD - APAN - 1999/2002
In this management, there was the official launch in August 2001 of the new APAN Logo and of the Entity's website:, with information, updates and news about APAN, ongoing courses and subjects pertaining to Nutrition. The 1st University Recipe Contest was held to encourage research and new university talent from the nutrition courses in São Paulo and also the event commemorating the World Food Day "Action, Health and Nutrition", with the collaboration of the athlete Ana Moser, held at Parque Villa Lobos and Burle Max, .for the community; with physical activities, with the elaboration of an orientation leaflet on healthy eating for distribution to the community and donation of more than 1000 kg of food collected to registered needy entities.

Daily dissemination of nutritional guidelines through Eldorado radio, lasting 15 minutes and various articles on functional foods, chat and general nutrition tips via the internet.

APAN's participation in the 1st Municipal Conference on Food Security in December 2002, when APAN joined the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL FOR FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SAFETY OF SÃO PAULO with 5 representatives, increasing the participation of the nutritionist in discussions on political actions in the area of ​​food . Created by APAN, the Commission for discussion on the inclusion of the Nutritionist in the Family Health Plan (PSF) of the Municipality of São Paulo (PMSP) - members: SINESP, CRN, ANUM (Associação Nutricionista do Município). APAN's participation in COESP - Special Commission for Recognition of Titles of Nutritionists' Experts according to Ordinance No. 133/2002 of 02/27/2002.

7th BOARD - APAN - 2002/2005
As outstanding facts of this period, we can highlight the APAN Representation in the Food and Nutrition Intersectoral Commission integrated to the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health, to discuss the guidelines of the Food and Nutrition Policy. Representation in a regional macro workshop (RJ, MG, ES, SP) for the training of professionals, promoted by the General Coordination of Food and Nutrition Policy and the Primary Care department of the Health Secretariat of the Ministry of Health.

In 2002, the Day of the Nutritionist was celebrated, August 31, at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, in partnership between the entities APAN, CRN3 and SINESP, with the delivery of the "Maria Lúcia Ferrari Cavalcanti and Dra Eliete Salomon Tudisco - Highlights Professional / 2002. Marking the growth of professionals in the area of ​​nutrition, the union between entities and the recognition of the population as our greatest achievement Integrates CONSEA - STATE FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL OF SÃO PAULO, with the objective of participating in the formulation of public food security policies We had the elaboration of the FOOD SAFETY phone card, with distribution throughout the national territory, becoming an important means for the dissemination of nutritional guidelines.

With the objective of stimulating university research and disseminating new concepts in the area of ​​infant feeding, the 2nd and 3rd editions of the "Recipe Contest - Nutritional Delights" were held,

In addition, from 2003, APAN started offering a Technical Visit program to companies in the food sector, whose objective is to collaborate in the training and improvement of Nutrition professionals and students, through the knowledge of technological processes, new products and new products. quality management systems.

In 2003, playing its role in the technical-scientific development of nutritionists, students and professionals related to the food sector, the 1st São Paulo Congress of Nutrition (CPNutri) - Diet and Light was held, which followed in the following years with the 2nd CPNutri - News in Nutrition and Food and the 3rd CPNutri - Food and Nutrition: Trends and Practical Challenges, in the years 2004 and 2005 respectively. In 2003, a differentiated space was created, the "University Cauldron", with lectures and classes, aimed at improving students.

To celebrate APAN's 50th anniversary, in 2004, a dinner was held at Palácio dos Bandeirantes with the presence of renowned nutrition professionals and guests.

In this management we had the creation of study groups, further confirming the growth of our profession, in 2003 the APAN Group for Updating Technological Innovations in Food and Nutrition (GRAITAN) related to studies of quality control and hygienic-sanitary food; in 2005 NUTRIMARK, focused on the study of areas of Nutrition in Marketing where nutrition can be present.

We had the preparation of the first APAN book, "Food Quality: microbiological, nutritional and sensory aspects" launched during the 3rd CPNUTRI.

This book was a work of GRAITAN, the result of research and discussions carried out by this group of studies.

8th BOARD - APAN - 2005/2008
With the important task of organizing together with ASBRAN the largest nutrition event in the country, in 2006 in São Paulo, the XIX edition of the Brazilian Congress of Nutrition (CONBRAN) was held, with the participation of thousands of students and professionals the food area. Due to the holding of this great national Congress, this year there was no edition of CPNutri.

It was defined that CPNutri should take place in years when CONBRAN was not held, therefore, the 4th edition of CPNutri was held in 2007 with the theme: Diversities: Walking the paths of Nutrition and Food.

We had the launch of the APAN t-shirt with the phrase "Nutrition: the taste of a healthy life".

In 2007, with the discussion about a humor program carried out by Rede Globo de Televisão, where a nutritionist named Dr. Lorca guided her patients with nutritional behaviors contrary to those recommended by the World Health Organization, APAN supported the Regional Council of Nutritionists - 3rd Region in the formulation of a letter of repudiation to the broadcaster due to this situation in the Zorra Total Program.

As an innovation in its activities, in 2008 the 1st São Paulo Nutrition Forum was held with lectures defending and questioning controversial topics in the area, providing discussions and greater interaction among the participants registered for the event.

As a conclusion of research work and exchange of experiences in the area, the Nutrimark group also prepared its book with the title: "Uma Garfada de Marketing".

In 2008 there was also the resumption of the Caldeirão Universitário study group, with an increase in the participation of graduate students in APAN's actions, including in the group's coordination. In this management, APAN's mission, vision and values ​​were defined and the Association's statute was also revised.

At the end of the mandate, in the transfer of office to the next administration, the President handed over in a solemn act the keys to the acquisition of the new APAN headquarters, with a physical structure capable of enabling more scientific technical achievements in its own headquarters, thus realizing a dream shared since previous management.

9th BOARD - APAN - 2008/2011
The dream of the new headquarters idealized by the old boards was realized at the beginning of this management. After the work and planning carried out for years by the directors of APAN, in 2008, the Association moves from the headquarters located on Avenida Angélica to Avenida Pacaembu. In a much broader space, this board is focused on continuing the evolution that has been occurring with APAN.

Committed to reaching the largest number of professionals by raising awareness and encouraging the importance of the participation of nutritionists in their entities, APAN offers constant technical and scientific improvement, thus promoting the union and strengthening of our class, which is a of the goals that this board assumed.

In 2008, another group was created to further confirm the growth of the profession, GANAC, aimed at studying the areas of gastronomy in which Nutrition may be present.

In celebration of World Health Day in 2009, the APAN Board was present at the inauguration of the Center for Reference and Control of Diseases Associated with Nutrition (CRNUTRI), located at the Escola de Paula Souza Health Center belonging to the School of Public Health at USP.

One of the great events held by APAN related to the technical-scientific improvement of nutritionists is the São Paulo Congress on Nutrition, which featured in its fifth edition in August 2009 with the theme "Nutrition: taste of a healthy life" and the organization of the sixth edition which will be held in May 2011 with the theme Nutrition: health, pleasure and emotion. The challenges of the decade !, as well as the 1st APAN forum in 2008 with the theme: Nutrition and food: thinking in motion! and 2nd APAN forum in 2010 with the theme: Movement is Action - The paths of Food and Nutrition.

In 2010, this management held two workshops focused on recycling professionals and students in the field of nutrition and the like.

At the end of the mandate, there was a change in the workload of the workshops, returning to courses divided into 2 modules with a workload of 8 hours that will enable the participant to learn more deeply.

10th BOARD - APAN - 2011/2014

One of the major events held by APAN related to the technical-scientific improvement of nutritionists is the Paulista Congress of Nutrition, which featured in its 6th edition in May 2011 with the theme "Nutrition: health, pleasure and emotion. The challenges of the decade" and the 7th edition in May 2013 with the theme: Nutrition Challenges: Innovate & Integrate.

As an innovation in its product line, the association launched in 2013 a series of products (t-shirts, mug, squeezes, thermal bag) with the theme "I love Nutrition".

In 2013 our courses started to be held on a single date with a workload of 8 hours. As an innovation, we also started to serve brunch, which enabled a deeper learning and better interaction between the participants.

As an innovation in its activities in 2013, the Sports Nutrition Meeting was held and in May 2014 the Child Nutrition Meeting for recycling and improvement of professionals and students.

One of the commitments in this management was the important task of organizing the entire administrative structure with the preparation and / or review of administrative manuals.

In 2014 APAN completed 60 years of existence and to celebrate it launched in June a new logo and a new website to leverage its growth and to modernize the brand.

13th BOARD - APAN - 2017/2020

In this Management, Chapa Alicerce - "Construction" - had as main goal: To strengthen the bases regarding the development and the union of professionals and academics, aiming at the improvement regarding the advances in the Science of Nutrition and Food in an Ethical and Sustainable way. ”Also listing as priorities and goals achieved over this three-year period:

Intensify the dissemination of the Association - Apan Visibility: Institutional video Apan support Racine, News shot by CRN3 with disclosure of the course grid, Ad on page of CRN3 Magazine, New Folder Apan support CRN3, New Folder Healthy Eating Support Sinesp, Mini videos of the speakers volunteers to promote the courses. Apan 65th anniversary event (on 02/04/2019 the São Paulo Nutrition Association celebrated its 65th anniversary with a lot of history, commitment, dedication, work and love for the profession- Event held at the São Paulo Legislative Assembly), Acquisition of the new website for the congress - - Adaltec.

Strengthen current and new partnerships: Apan Participation: Promoting the Association's Mission in the events (Conbran_2018, Brazilian Meeting on Aesthetic Nutrition, Gluten Free, Brazilian Meeting on Sports Nutrition, Simponutri, Diet Box, Tripou Saúde, Vitalice, CRN3 Journey of Nutrition and Entities and New partners and supporters with visibility on the website.

Number of members - prospecting of 30% per year between affiliations and renewals, target and reached in November / 2019 with maintenance;

Promote and expand to the Interior of São Paulo - Apan Partners for courses, meetings, partial-workshop until 2017 in the Santos and São Jose dos Campos regions via CRN3 support.

Proposal planning and Portfolio for competition - Conbran 2022. Presentation at Conbran 2018- ALNUT and APAN- Entity contemplated –ALNUT competed.

Social Action: Rotary Club event (Nutritional Orientation, Anthropometric assessment, training of participants in the event - 4th and 5th edition). Social Campaign for World Food Day collection of Non-Perishable Food. Participation in the 16th Rotary Fair in Action for Health and Citizenship, promoted by the Rotary Club of São Paulo Morumbi, held at Associação Obra do Berço.

Contracts and Terms: Updating and Registering the Partnership Terms, Site Maintenance Term, Space Rental Term for Courses, Alteration of Vivo Cellular Contract. Relocation Sala da Angélica with contract signed for 30 months. Elaboration and finalized revision of Administrative Manuals, Partnerships, Godmothers and Sponsors Courses and Manual, Apan Employee Pop and Electoral Process Manual.

One of the great events held by APAN related to the technical-scientific improvement of nutritionists - was the return of CPNUTRI - In São Paulo, on August 22, 23 and 24, 2019, with the theme “Food as a protagonist”, the Association Paulista de Nutrição (APAN) held its VIII Congress simultaneously to the VIII Meeting of Nutritionists of the Mokiti Okada Foundation (FMO). Together, the two events brought together about 100 speakers, 18 approved scientific papers, 17 exhibitors, 34 partners, 50 volunteer students, and, over the three days, 700 participants, including Nutritionists, Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, other professionals from the health area, and undergraduate and technical students. “Food as a protagonist” was chosen as a central theme to enhance and highlight the main work tool of the Nutritionist and Technician in Nutrition and Dietetics.

We are a family owned and operated business.


Association of Nutritionists of the University of São Paulo (ANUSP)

. Dr. Maria Lúcia Ferrari Cavalcanti (1954-1956)
. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Macedo (1957)
. Dra. Celina de Moraes Passos (1958-1960)
. Dr. Olga Laskani (1961-1964)
. Dr. Maria Helena Villar (1964-1970)
. Dr. Olga Laskani (1970-1972)
. Dr. Francely Jorge Pimentel (1972-1974)

We are a family owned and operated business.

São Paulo Association of Nutritionists (APAN)

. Dr. Eliete Salomon Tudisco (1975-1978)
. Dr. Maria Helena Villar (1978-1981)
. Dr. Olga Maria Silverio Amancio (1981-1984)

We are a family owned and operated business.

São Paulo Nutrition Association (APAN)

. Dr. Olga Maria Silverio Amancio (1981-1984)
. Dr. Sonia Tucunduva Philippi (1984-1987)
. Dr. Alzira Neves Borin (1987-1990)
. Dr. Lilian Regina Chinelli (1990-1993)
. Dra. Neide Lopes do Carmo (Transitional Commission)
. Dr. Neide Lopes do Carmo (1996-1999)
. Dr. Maria Lúcia Tafuri Garcia (1999-2002)
. Dra. Nina da Costa Corrêa (2002-2005)
. Dr. Débora Cabanes Bertomeu (2005-2008)
. Dr. Elaine Martins Bento Mosquera (replacing President Dr. Tamara Lazarini) (2008-2011)
. Dra. Marli Brasioli (2011-2014)
. Dra. Marli Brasioli (2014-2017)
. Dra. Denise Cussioli Gonçalves de sousa (2017-2020)


  • Brazilian Nutrition Association. History of the nutritionist in Brazil - 1939 to 1989: collection of statements and documents. São Paulo: Atheneu, 1991. 444p.

  • The association. São Paulo: São Paulo Nutrition Association. Available at

  • Coimbra M, Meira JFP, Starling MBL. Eating and learning: a history of school feeding in Brazil. Belo Horizonte: MEC / INAE, 1982. 685p.

  • Federal Council of Nutritionists. CFN history. CFN Journal. 1999 ago; 4 (1): 2-4. (Commemorative Insert).

  • Costa D. The importance of teaching nutrition: its development in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Medicine. 1953; 9 (10): 645-650.

  • Strengthening nutritionists in Brazil. São Paulo: Brazilian Nutrition Association. Available at

  • L'abbate S. Food and nutrition policies in Brazil: I. Period 1940 to 1964. Revista de Nutrição da PUCCAMP. 1988; 2 (1): 87-138.

  • Maurício HV. Evolution of nutrition and its teaching in Brazil. Brazilian Nutrition Archives. 1964; 2 (20): 117-134.

  • Vasconcelos FAG. The Brazilian Nutrition Archives: a review of scientific production in nutrition in Brazil: 1944 to 1968. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 1999; 2 (15): 303-316.

  • Vasconcelos FAG. The nutritionist in Brazil: a historical approach. Campinas Nutrition Magazine. 2002; 15 (2): 127-138.

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